The active ingredient in PEPPER SPRAY is Oleoresin Capsiscum, commonly referred to as OC. The potency of PEPPER SPRAY depends on the percentage of OC in the mixture. Concentrations generally run from 5% to approximately 20%. OC is a biological substance that occurs naturally in varieties of common peppers. It has proven to be a more desirable agent for self-defense purposes because it is more effective on more people than are the older chemical agents, CS and CN (commonly referred to as MACE). Another advantage is that there is a larger group of people who may suffer allergic reactions to CS or CN exposure compared to OC exposure. Some states prohibit the possession and use of CS or CN by civilians but allow civilian possession/use of PEPPER SPRAY.
The underlying strategy of PEPPER SPRAY is to accommodate escape from an assailant. When someone experiences the unexpected exposure to PEPPER SPRAY, they experience an intense burning sensation in their mucous membranes, an interruption in their visual acuity, and and interruption in their respiratory ability. Some people have reported experiencing anxiety attacks and thoughts that they were experiencing a heart attack following an unexpected exposure to PEPPER SPRAY. Their mental focus is inevitably shifted from their intended assault to figuring out what the hell happened and their recovery. This provides the intended victim with precious time to escape. (It is important to remember that the immediate reaction after deployment of PEPPER SPRAY is to run away and to find help and not to pause to gauge the effectiveness of the PEPPER SPRAY or to admire your handiwork.)
You'll note that many of the pepper spray units offered by GRW Solutions are designed with a key ring or to attach to your key ring. The reason is that pepper spray, or any self-defense tool for that matter, doesn't do you much good when it's buried in the bottom of a purse or a pant or jacket pocket. If it is attached to your car keys, you're much more likely to have it in your hand when you're going to or from your vehicle - when you're most likely to need it. Remember that assailants aren't likely to give you a "time out" or a "do over." Whatever self-defense tool you determine is most appropriate for you and your self-defense strategy needs to be where you can get it and deploy it at a second's notice.
Many of us have already decided that when faced with an imminent assault that, barring astronomical odds, surrender is not an option. I would venture to guess that most people are predisposed to fight and actively resist a physical assault or a kidnapping. The only quandary is how best to do that.
It may be simpler than you imagine. Most assailants tend to approach their criminal activity surreptitiously – they don’t want or like public attention or witnesses as they ply their ‘craft.’ One of the best tactics an intended victim might apply is to draw as much attention to their circumstance as possible. Assailants become much more stressed when they know others in the immediate vicinity are seeing what they’re doing and could serve as witnesses. (Some people are even inclined to intervene and assist a victim.)
Most of us are fairly well equipped with a couple of lungs and a set of vocal chords as natural tools we could use to engage in this particular tactic. Those are good, but they are not best – being rather easily defeated. Sound is a good attention-getter, but sound and light are even better. The louder thesound the better. Many assailants’ mental focus switches instantly from the assault to escape from the noise and light, not to mention from the attention of all those in the vicinity of the incident.
Carrying a ‘personal alarm’ is a safer, most sure way of applying this tactic in self-defense. There are several relatively inexpensive devices out there with multi-functionality that bring light and a piercing sound to draw attention to you and your situation. They are convenient to carry, easy to use, and they are effective.
The particular device that is pictured above can also be used remotely as a door or window alarm – something that could be invaluable while traveling and lodging in hotels or motels.